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Snoddy v Harpe [2019] NZFC 995

Published 22 June 2021

Child support — appeal — father's financial situation — Child Support Act 1991, ss 4, 96, 103, 105 — Swayne v Lush [1999] NZFLR 49 — D v C (Child Support) (2001) 21 FRNZ 547 — Johnson v CIR (2002) 22 FRNZ 244 — EVJ v AJCB [2013] NZCA — S v R [2016] NZCA 526. The applicant father sought to appeal the amount of child support he was to pay for his two children. He submitted he had recently lost his job, could not find a new job with similar pay and so started up a company but was not earning much money. The amount of child support owed was calculated by a review officer. The appeal was dismissed, as it could not be said that the administrative review officer had acted on wrong principle, failed to take account of relevant matters or took account of some irrelevant matter or was plainly wrong. Judgment Date: 15 February 2019. * * * Note: names have been changed to comply with legal requirements. * * *