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New Zealand Police v Thompson Jeffrey [2019] NZDC 10706

Published 17 September 2021

Sentencing — male assaults female — failure to answer police bail — posting harmful digital communication — threatening to damage property — Police v Carr [2018] NZDC 15609 — Police v Valli [2017] NZDC 17182 — Police v Rose [2017] NZDC 690 — Rose v Police [2017] NZHC 3283 — Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015. The defendant appeared for sentence having pleaded guilty to charges of male assaults female, failure to answer police bail, posting a harmful digital communication, and threatening to damage property. He had thrown a phone at the first victim and also punched her in the face. He then failed to answer police bail in relation to this charge. The second two charges related to a second victim. He posted naked photos of her on Facebook and also threatened to damage her mother's car. The Court set a start point of six months' imprisonment on the harmful digital communications charge, with two-month uplifts on each of the remaining three charges. With a 25 per cent discount for guilty plea, the final sentence was eight months' imprisonment. The Court also made a protection order in favour of the first victim. Judgment Date: 6 June 2019.