A selection of the following District Court decisions are published on this site:
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In Youth Court and some types of Family Court judgments real names are replaced with initials.
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Judgments are available to download in PDF format. (You will need Acrobat Reader to view the PDF files. It can be downloaded from the Adobe website(external link).)
The Judgment page includes a brief summary of the judgment and a link to download or view the judgment.
Summaries provided do NOT form part of the judgment, and are included for information only.
This website explains many of the things you might want to know if you are coming to the Youth Court, or just wondering how the Youth Court works.
Ministry of Justice website with information on family issues including about going to court, forms and other times when you may need help.
For information about courts and tribunals, including going to court, finding a court & collection of fines and reparation.
On this site you will find information about our Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court including recent decisions, daily lists and news.