Useful keywords, phrases, and legislation for use in searching for Family Court related judgments.
On this page:
Access to adoption records
Additional access
Additional guardians appointed
Additional guardianship
Adjournment for information from overseas jurisdiction
Alcohol addiction
Alleged abduction
Appeal against decision
Application for contact
Application for costs
Application for discharge of custody order
Application for discharge of protection order
Application for Judge’s recusal
Application for leave
Application for occupation
Application for order preventing child’s removal
Application for protection order
Application for return of child abducted to New Zealand
Application for standard condition to be modified or discharged
Application for temporary protection order
Application that lawyer for child be dismissed
Application to enforce relationship property agreement
Appointment of additional guardian
Appointment of lawyer for the child
Appointment of litigation guardian
Appointment of property manager
Breach of protection order
Care and contact of children
Care and protection declaration
Care of children
Child in custody of Open Home Foundation (OHF)
Child maintenance
Child support
Child support liability
Children in need of care and protection
Clerical mistakes and slips
Communication assistant
Compulsory care order
Compulsory treatment
Confirmation of overseas maintenance order
Contact order
Contact when parent in prison
Contested will
Cost contribution
Costs contribution
Court jurisdiction
Cultural report
Day-to-day care
De facto relationship
Declaration as to non-paternity
Declaration as to paternity
Declaration that children are in need of care or protection
Defended application for costs
Departure from formula assessment
Determining value of relationship property
Directions conference
Discharge of custody order
Discharge of order preventing removal
Discharge of protection order
Discharge of temporary protection order
Dispute between guardians
Division of relationship property
Domestic violence
Drug use
Economic disparity
Extraordinary circumstances
Family violence
Final adoption order
Final occupation order in favour of applicant
Final parenting order
Final protection order
Formal proof hearing
Hague Convention
Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
Historic proceedings
History of domestic violence
Home for Life
Intellectual disability
Interim adoption order
Interim and final restraining orders
Interim decision
Interim parenting agreement
Interim spousal maintenance
Interim support order
International child maintenance
International custody dispute
International surrogacy
Inter-partes costs
Judicial settlement conference
Late filing
Lawyer conflict of interest
Lawyer for Child Best Practice Guidelines
Lawyer for child costs
Lay assistant
Legal uncertainty
Long-cause hearing
Maintenance order
Mana tamaiti
Māori land
McKenzie friend
Minor in proceedings
Naming dispute
Necessity of second counsel
Next friend
Non-supervised contact
Notice of claim
Notice of intention to appear
Occupation rent
Order preventing removal
Order preventing removal of children
Parenting order
Parenting order application
Paternity order
Permanent placement
Permanent placement with access issues
Permission to vary order for overseas holiday
Person’s care on conviction
Practical commitment
Protection order
Psychological abuse
Psychological report
Relationship property proceedings
Removal from New Zealand
Removal of guardian
Restraining order
Retraction of serious allegations
Revocation of enduring power of attorney
Role of lawyer for child
Safety hearing
Safety issues
Sale of relationship property
Serious violence
Sexual abuse allegation
Shared care arrangement
Short-cause hearing
Special guardianship
Specialist report writer
Statutory interpretation
Step-parent adoption
Strike out
Strike out proceedings
Supervised contact
Supervision of care
Te Ao Māori
Test of mental disorder
Testamentary promises and family protection claim
Tikanga Māori
Tino rangatiratanga
Transfer of proceedings to High Court
Treaty of Waitangi (Te Tiriti o Waitangi)
United Nations Convention on the Recovery Abroad of Maintenance
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Unsubstantiated sexual abuse claim
Unsupervised access
Unsupervised care arrangements
Wardship application
Welfare and best interest of the child
Whether applicant was exercising rights of custody
Whether access should be unsupervised
Whether access should be increased
Whether proceedings for children could occur together
Whether s 186 social work report was necessary
Whether special circumstances existed to justify a final order
Whether there are care and protection concerns given pending criminal charges of the child’s day-to-day carer
Winding up of family trust
Adoption (Intercountry) Act 1977(external link)
s 10 (Approval of placement)
Adoption Act 1955(external link)
ss 5 (Interim orders to be made in first instance), 10 (Social worker to report), 23 (Inspection of adoption records)
Care of Children Act 2004(external link)
ss 4 (Child’s welfare and best interests to be paramount), 4(2)(a)(i), 5 (Principles relating to child’s welfare and best interests), 5(a) 5(e), 5A (Domestic violence to be taken into account), 6 (Child’s views), 9 (De facto partner defined), 29 (Court may remove guardians), 46G (Counselling after proceedings commenced), 46R (Disputes between guardians), 47 (Who may apply for parenting order), 48 (Parenting orders), 49 (Interim parenting orders), 49B (Interim parenting order may become final order on specified date), 49B(1), 49C (Final parenting orders), 77 (Preventing removal of child from New Zealand), 105 (Application to court for return of child abducted to New Zealand), 106 (Grounds for refusal of order for return of child), 133 (Reports from other persons), 135A (Order requiring reimbursement of costs payments)
Child Support Act 1991(external link)
ss 103B (Appeal by respondent from determination under Part 6A), 103D (Powers of Family Court on appeal), 105 (Matters as to which court must be satisfied before making order), 106 (Orders that may be made)
Crimes Act 1961(external link)
s 59 (Parental control)
Criminal Procedure (Mentally Impaired Persons) Act 2003(external link)
ss 25 (Alternative decisions in respect of defendant unfit to stand trial or insane), 25(1)(b), 34 (Power of court to commit offender to hospital or facility on conviction), 34(1)(b)(i)
District Court Rules 2014(external link)
r 14.2 (Principles applying to determination of costs)
Domestic Violence Act 1995(external link)
ss 3 (Meaning of domestic violence), 3(3), 13 (Application without notice for protection order), 14 (Power to make protection order), 16 (Protection of persons other than applicant), 21 (Standard condition relating to weapons), 22 (Court may dispense with, modify, discharge, or re-impose standard condition relating to weapons), 23 (Further provisions relating to powers conferred by section 22), 47 (Power to discharge protection order)
Family Courts Act 1980(external link)
ss 9B (Role of lawyer appointed to represent child or young person in proceedings), 14 (Transfer of proceedings to High Court)
Family Court Rules 2002(external link)
rr 2 (Commencement), 90 (Minor must be represented by next friend or litigation guardian), 90(2), 90A (Minor may apply to take part in proceedings without next friend or litigation guardian), 90B (Appointment of next friend for minor), 193 (Striking out pleading), 204 (Clerical mistakes and slips), 207 (Costs at discretion of court), 416Z (Directions conference)
Family Proceedings Act 1980(external link)
ss 47 (Applications for paternity orders), 49 (Time limit on applications for paternity orders), 49(2)(b), 63 (Maintenance during marriage or civil union), 82 ( Interim maintenance), 138 (Confirmation of provisional orders made in Commonwealth or designated countries), 145 (Applications for maintenance by applicants residing in Convention countries), 145C (Maintenance of children)
Family Protection Act 1955(external link)
Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care and Rehabilitation) Act 2003(external link)
ss 3 (Purposes), 7 (Meaning of intellectual disability), 8 (Persons who do not have intellectual disability), 8(2), 11 (Principles governing exercise of powers under this Act), 85 (Extension of compulsory care order), 86 (Co-ordinator may seek variation of compulsory care order), 87 (Court may defer expiry of order if application for extension pending)
Interpretation Act 1999(external link)
ss 5 (Ascertaining meaning of legislation), 5(1)
Land Transfer Act 1952(external link)
ss 137 (Caveat against dealings with land under Act), 145 (Lapse of caveat against dealings)
Law Reform (Testamentary Promises) Act 1980(external link)
Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992(external link)
ss 2 (Interpretation), 29 (Community treatment orders), 33 (Compulsory treatment order to expire after 6 months)
Oranga Tamariki Act 1989(external link)
ss 5 (Principles to be applied in exercise of powers conferred by this Act), 5(b) 6 (Welfare and interests of child or young person paramount), 13 (Principles), 14 (Definition of child or young person in need of care or protection), 14(1)(a), 14(1)(b), 14(1)(f), 14(1)(h), 67 (Grounds for declaration that child or young person is in need of care or protection), 78 (Custody of child or young person pending determination of proceedings), 83 (Orders of court on making of declaration), 83(1)(b), 87 (Restraining orders), 88 (Interim restraining orders), 91 (Support orders), 101 (Custody orders), 110 (Guardianship orders), 121 (Court may make orders for access and exercise of other rights by parents and other persons), 125 (Application for variation or discharge of orders made under this Part), 178 (Medical, psychiatric, and psychological reports)
Property (Relationships) Act 1976(external link)
ss 8 (Relationship property defined), 8(1)(e), 11 (Division of relationship property), 13 (Exception to equal sharing), 15 (Court may award lump sum payments or order transfer of property), 18B (Compensation for contributions made after separation), 18C (Compensation for dissipation of relationship property after separation), 20D (Calculation of net value of relationship property), 40 (Costs), 42 (Notice of interest against title)
Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988(external link)
ss 31 (Appointment of manager), 105 (Court may revoke appointment of attorney)
Status of Children Act 1969(external link)
ss 10 (Declaration as to paternity), 16 (Application of Part)
This website explains many of the things you might want to know if you are coming to the Youth Court, or just wondering how the Youth Court works.
Ministry of Justice website with information on family issues including about going to court, forms and other times when you may need help.
For information about courts and tribunals, including going to court, finding a court & collection of fines and reparation.
On this site you will find information about our Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court including recent decisions, daily lists and news.