Useful keywords, phrases, and legislation for use in searching for criminal-related judgments.
Accessing computer for dishonest purpose
Admissibility of blood sample
Admissibility of visual identification evidence
Aggravated burglary
Aggravated robbery
Aiding and abetting a company
Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Court
Application for costs
Application for dismissal of charge
Application for dismissal or stay of proceedings
Application for stay of proceedings
Application to amend charge list
Application to vacate guilty plea
Application to vacate guilty pleas
Assault on a child
Assault using a weapon
Assault with a weapon
Assault with intent to injure
Attempt to obtain by deception
Bad faith prosecution
Benefit fraud
Breach of fair trial rights
Breach of home detention
Breach of home-detention sentence
Breach of protection order
Breaching community work
Breaching intensive supervision
Careless operation of a motor vehicle causing death
Charge proved beyond reasonable doubt
Child exploitative material
Class A
Clearing indigenous vegetation without a resource consent
Commission of offence with a firearm
Conspiracy to supply methamphetamine
Correction of erroneous sentence
Creating objectionable material
Cross-examination by party of own witness
Cruelty and ill-treatment of a dog
Cultivating cannabis
Damage to electronic bail bracelet
Dangerous act with intent to cause grievous bodily harm
Dealing in cannabis
Dealing in methamphetamine
Dealing with controlled drugs
Deceased witness
Delay in progressing criminal charges
Discharge of defendant
Discharge without conviction
Disclosure of documents
Dishonestly taking or using a document
Disorderly behaviour
Domestic violence
Driving offences
Driving under the influence
Driving while disqualified
Driving while forbidden
Driving whilst disqualified third or subsequent time
Drug dealing
Drug offending
Drug related charges
Evidential burden not met
Failed to remain stopped
Failing to surrender to bail
Failure to disclose a living relationship
Failure to ensure safety
Failure to notify
False accounting
False statement
Fingerprint evidence
Fraudulent behaviour
Giving evidence in an alternative way
Guilty plea
Hearsay evidence
Historic sexual offending
Hostile witness
Importation of methamphetamine
Importing a class B drug
Indecent act against child or young person
Indecent act with intent to offend
Indecent assault
Indecent assault on a child
Indecent assault on a girl under 12
Indecent assault on a person over 16
Indecent assault on a young person
Indemnity costs
Inducing a girl under 12 to do an indecent act
Injures with intent
Injuring with intent
Injuring with intent to injure
Injuring with intent to wound
Inpatient order
Intentional damage
Interim name suppression
Jurisdiction of the Court
Leave to elect jury trial
Male assaults female
Maori sovereignty
Methamphetamine offending
“Minder” for methamphetamine courier
Minimum sentence of imprisonment insufficient
Name suppression
No tariff
Objection to witness
Objectionable material
Obtaining benefit by deception
Obtaining benefit overpayments by deception
Obtaining by deception
Offending whilst on bail
Omitting to supply material information
Operating aircraft in careless manner
Permanent name suppression
Possessing objectionable publications
Possession for supply
Possession of an offensive weapon
Possession of cannabis for sale or supply
Possession of cannabis products
Possession of Class B
Possession of methamphetamine for supply
Pre-trial decision
Prior inconsistent statement
Producing or passing off a passport knowing that it had been forged or obtained fraudulently
Propensity evidence
Propensity evidence application
Prosecution by Work Safe
Qualifying offence
Recidivist young offender
Reckless driving
Reliability of evidence
Selling cannabis
Serious fraud charges
Sexual conduct with a young person
Sexual connection with a young person
Sexual offending
Sexual offending against a child
Sexual offending against child and young person
Sexual offending against children
Sexual violation
Sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection
Significant drug operation
Significant financial reparation
Supply of cannabis
Supply of methamphetamine
Supply of Ritalin
Supplying a Class B
Te Whare Whakapiki Wairua
Theft by a person in a special relationship
Theft of a motor vehicle
Theft of electricity
Threatening to cause grievous bodily harm
Threatening to kill
Three strikes warning
Tripartite direction as to defendant’s statement
Unlawful possession of a firearm
Unlawful sexual connection
Unlawfully takes motor vehicle
Unlawfully takes motor vehicles
Unlawfully taking a motor vehicle
Unlicensed driver failed to comply
Using a document
Using a document to obtain pecuniary advantage
Using a firearm against law enforcement officer
Value of guilty plea
Variation from sentencing indication
Whether change in circumstances existed that reasonably affected defendant’s decision to elect a trial by jury
Whether costs above scale
Whether discount could be given to recognise significant time spent in custody
Whether evidence properly obtained
Whether fair trial rights would be breached by complainant giving evidence in an alternative way
Whether sentence of imprisonment or electronic monitoring
Whether sentence of imprisonment or home detention
Whether threat justified
Whether to declare witness hostile
Wilful omission
Wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm
Animal Welfare Act 1999,
ss 29 (Further offences), 29(a), 173 (Expenses incurred by inspectors and territorial authorities) Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989, s 322 (Time for instituting proceedings)
Civil Aviation Act 1990, s 43A (Operating aircraft in careless manner)
Costs in Criminal Cases Act 1967
Crimes Act 1961,
ss, 2 (Interpretation), 48 (Self-defence and defence of another), 56 (Defence of land or building), 128 (Sexual violation define), 128(1)(b), 132 (Sexual conduct with child under 12), 132(3), 134 (Sexual conduct with young person under 16), 134(3), 188 (Wounding with intent), 189 (Injuring with intent), 198A (Using any firearm against law enforcement officer, etc), 217 (Interpretation), 219(Theft or stealing), 219(1)(b), 226 (Conversion of vehicle or other conveyance), 228 (Dishonestly taking or using document), 228(b), 240 (Obtaining by deception or causing loss by deception), 241 (Punishment of obtaining by deception or causing loss by deception), 249 (Accessing computer system for dishonest purpose), 260 (False accounting), 267 (Arson)
Criminal Disclosure Act 2008,
ss 25 (Determination of application for non-party disclosure hearing), 27 (Non-party disclosure hearing), 30 (Court order for disclosure of information)
Criminal Procedure (Mentally Impaired Persons) Act 2003,
ss 25 (Alternative decisions in respect of defendant unfit to stand trial or insane), 34 (Power of court to commit offender to hospital or facility on conviction), 34(1)(b)(ii), 51(Consequential amendments to other enactments), 51(2)
Criminal Procedure Act 2011,
ss 115 (Plea of guilty may be withdrawn by leave of court), 116 (Effect of sentence indication), 136 (Procedure if charge amended during trial), 147 (Dismissal of charge), 147(2), 180 (Court may correct erroneous sentence), 180(1), 200 (Court may suppress identity of defendant), 202 (Court may suppress identity of witnesses, victims, and connected persons), 203 (Automatic suppression of identity of complainant in specified sexual cases)
Dog Control Act 1996,
ss 57 (Dogs attacking persons or animals), 57(3)
Evidence Act 2006,
ss 4 (Interpretation), 6 (Purpose), 7 (Fundamental principle that relevant evidence admissible), 9 (Admission by agreement), 16 (Interpretation), 18 (General admissibility of hearsay), 22 (Notice of hearsay in criminal proceedings), 30 (Improperly obtained evidence), 35 (Previous consistent statements rule), 40 (Propensity rule), 43 (Propensity evidence offered by prosecution about defendants), 43(3), 43(4), 45 (Admissibility of visual identification evidence), 45(3)(a), 94 (Cross-examination by party of own witness), 103 (Directions about alternative ways of giving evidence), 105 (Alternative ways of giving evidence)
Harassment Act 1997,
s 8 (Criminal harassment)
Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992,
ss 6 (Employers to ensure safety of employees), 25 (Recording and notification of accidents and serious harm), 25(3), 50 (Other offences), 50(1)(a)
Immigration Act 1987
Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care and Rehabilitation) Act 2003
Land Transport Act 1998,
ss 12 (Persons not to drive while under influence of alcohol or drugs), 58 (Contravention of section 12), 71A (Requirement to undergo compulsory impairment test)
Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992,
s 4 (General rules relating to liability to assessment or treatment)
Misuse of Drugs Act 1975,
ss 6 (Dealing with controlled drugs), 6(1)(a)
New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990,
ss 25 (Minimum standards of criminal procedure), 25(b)
Parole Act 2002,
s 91 (Meaning of pre-sentence detention)
Resource Management Act 1991,
ss 322 (Scope of abatement notice), 342 (Fines to be paid to local authority instituting prosecution)
Search and Surveillance Act 2012,
s 20 (Warrantless search of places and vehicles in relation to some Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 offences)
Sentencing Act 2002,
ss 7 (Purposes of sentencing or otherwise dealing with offenders), 8 (Principles of sentencing or otherwise dealing with offenders), 10A (Hierarchy of sentences and orders), 16 (Sentence of imprisonment), 80 (Resumption of community-based sentence if sentence of imprisonment quashed), 80(l), 84 (Guidance on use of cumulative and concurrent sentences of imprisonment), 86 (Imposition of minimum period of imprisonment in relation to determinate sentence of imprisonment), 86(1), 86(2), 106 (Discharge without conviction)
Social Security Act 1964,
s 127 (Offences: false statements, misleading, or attempting to mislead, to receive or continue to receive benefits)
This website explains many of the things you might want to know if you are coming to the Youth Court, or just wondering how the Youth Court works.
Ministry of Justice website with information on family issues including about going to court, forms and other times when you may need help.
For information about courts and tribunals, including going to court, finding a court & collection of fines and reparation.
On this site you will find information about our Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court including recent decisions, daily lists and news.