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New Zealand Police v LU [2020] NZYC 152

Published 01 July 2021

Sentencing — assault with intent to injure — threatening to kill — rehabilitation — violent tendencies — activity with supervision order — youth justice principles — Oranga Tamariki Act 1989. The young person appeared for sentence on one charge each of assault with intent to injure and threatening to kill. He had assaulted a friend over a minor dispute. He admitted the offending and said it should not have happened. The Judge determined the appropriate sentence was four months' activity with supervision. He was to stay at a residence that specialised in therapeutic treatment for young men assessed as being at a high risk of reoffending. The young person could be polite and intelligent but also violent and controlling. He lacked empathy and showed some narcissistic traits, although no diagnosis had been made. The young person was to come back to Court near the end of his sentence so it could be decided if a supervision order would be necessary at that time. Judgment Date: 20 March 2020. * * * Note: names have been changed to comply with legal requirements. * * *
