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RI v SI [2019] NZFC 10288

Published 02 November 2021

Appointment of welfare guardian — appointment of property manager — final orders — dementia — Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988. The parties were in a dispute over who should be appointed as welfare guardian and property manager for the subject person, their mother. The respondent had taken a lead in this area previously but poor communication had led her siblings to feelings of mistrust. Part way through the hearing the parties entered into discussions and were able to come to an agreement that the applicant should be appointed to fulfill both roles. The applicant had reassured the respondent that he would not arbitrarily put their mother in care, but that he would follow medical advice. Orders were made appointing the applicant as the subject person's welfare guardian and property manager. A review of the situation was to occur in three years. Judgment Date: 5 December 2019. * * * Note: names have been changed to comply with legal requirements. * * *